Results from All For the Glory
3/3/22, 9:10 PM

Show opens with Special Match Maker for the night, Ricky Steamboat. Thanked the crowd for coming and he remembered all the great times he had in the Triad area during his time with Jim Crockett Promotions. Steamboat interrupted by Brad Attitude who was complaining about not being on the card. Steamboat said he wasn't going to give Attitude an opportunity to share a ring with him, went to exit the ring and Attitude attacked him from behind. Steamboats friend of more than 40 years, George South, came to the rescue. Attitude cleared the ring and Steamboat made South vs Attitude for later.
Triple Threat Match
Gustavo def. Arik Royal and Axton Ray
Referee: Senior Official James Hunter
Tag Team Action / Winner gets a World Tag Team Title Shot w/ Champion Dawsons in March
The Lineage (CW Anderson/Preston Quinn w/ George South & Brittany Marie) def. JB Cole/J.R. Miller
Referee: Ben Grayson
Janai Kai def. Kasey Fox (substituting for an injured Ella Envy)
Referee: Senior Official James Hunter
Prestige Champion T.I.M. def. Davey Richards
Referee: Mike Ramsey
Brad Attitude def. George South
Referee: Ben Grayson
Attitude wins with feet on the ropes for leverage. After the match, Attitude cuts Grayson's trademark ponytail.
AML Wrestling Champion Caprice Coleman def. Matt Taven
Referee: Senior Official James Hunter